Raiatea/Tahaa – last stop of French Polynesia

Time at paradise always goes faster. Our three-month stay at French Polynesia is quickly coming to the end. We had a strong finish here at Raiatea and Tahaa. Raiatea and Tahaa are two separate islands, but they are only 3 miles away and share the same lagoon. These two islands are just as beautiful with much less tourism.

One of the highlight was a drift snorkel in the coral garden at Tahaa.

Followed by a hike among the lushy forest.

After two days on Tahaa, we moved to Raiatea, and did the wreck diving “Nordby” – a 150ft three-mask sailboat sunk in 1900.

At Faaroa bay, we did a dinghy exploration up the river.

Last but not the least, a hike up Mt Tapioi offers gorgeous view of Tahaa, Bora Bora and Huahine.

We will start our crossing to Tonga this afternoon, about 1300nm. Gray Matter is on the move again!

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4 thoughts on “Raiatea/Tahaa – last stop of French Polynesia

  1. Robert

    Beautiful pictures. Life is indeed a journey. Thank you for sharing a bit of yours with us.


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